Pond How-To Series (videos) Need assistance with wildlife and fish management on your ranch, backyard, or pond? Simply call your local County Extension Agent. Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Pond How-To Video Series Fish Removal with Rotenone (How-to Video) Cooking Fish 101 (How-to Video) Interpreting Your Water Quality Report for Your Pond (How-to Video) Controlling Algae In Farm Ponds (How-to Video) Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Videos Texas A&M Aquaculture Program Water Quality for Private Ponds Do It Yourself Fish Population Assessment and Corrective Stocking Aquatic Weed Identification and Management Creating Better Bass Fishing Using Genetics Basic Pond Ecology Pond Fertilization and Supplemental Feeding Strategies for Managing Big Bass Managing Vertebrate Pests of Aquaculture Aging Bass